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  1. A

    Our O&D journey

    @0nedayatatime I'm so sorry for your losses. Yes, I agree parents who are coping are the most important thing in a child's life - and between my kid being so high energy, etc, and external stressors and so on, we've coped by the skin of our teeth. I couldn't in good conscience add a newborn to...
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    Our O&D journey

    @kingdomseeker7 My kid is also bossy and demanding. During the pregnancy that ended in miscarriage we did worry about how he’d react to seeing us hold another baby.
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    Our O&D journey

    Though I'm an only myself, I'd originally planned on having two, as did my wife, who isn't an only. Our first was very much planned, but though theoretically there were no complications during pregnancy, it was an awful time - morning sickness was so bad that my wife couldn't bear the smell of...