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  1. C

    Help with night terrors

    @workin4jesus This sounds exactly right, thank you. I’m going to engage a psychologist to help guide me through this
  2. C

    Help with night terrors

    @mr_cy90 Man this hits home. Thank you, I think I needed to hear that
  3. C

    Help with night terrors

    @mr_cy90 She’s an alcoholic. About 2 years ago she had both kids and came home drunk (after driving them), then when I confronted her she punched me in the nose. I’m still the primary caregiver to them, but I know they love her and she loves them. Aside from that, the only thing my 7 year old...
  4. C

    Help with night terrors

    My son is in grade 1 and turned 7 in April. He’s had episodes of night terrors in the past, typically brought on by fatigue or stress. The first was when my wife assaulted me in front of him (hasn’t happened since). Then once when he was very tired and missed a nap. Then again when another adult...