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    My 11 y.o. daughter doesn't like her dad

    @sylvianlight Start by talking to him. Ask if he wants you to force her or not? Or if it should be up to her or at what age he thinks it should be up to her. Worst thing that happens your back to where you are right now. Good luck. My daughter 9 hates bio dad too.
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 She wants to say she gave him the car and not dad/SM even though it's a lie and will be half paid for.
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @mariakat He needs the truck it's safer. You already told her to trade in the car she choose not to. You owe her nothing and she's getting out easy not paying for any part of the truck.