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  1. E

    Is our daughter (11F) eating enough?

    @eae45 My 14yo does that. It bugs me, mostly because I work hard to cook good meals. Almost daily we ask her to eat more. Same thing!! My daughter is not anorexic or even dieting, and she’s not stick thin, she’s a healthy weight. She just started eating light around last year. About after...
  2. E

    VENT I was just a bitch to my 16 year old daughter.

    @jfp75 Choose your battles here. I’m surprised you have people here telling you to let this stuff go. Maybe some of it, but definitely not all. This is what I call parental abuse in my house. I think you need to bend less for her. You can say “no” or “not now” if she demands a ride without a...
  3. E

    Sanity check- s*xually active teen daughter

    @deanerenata32 When you say “that happened a few weeks later” do you mean your ex got her on the pill a few weeks later? Why wouldn’t you have told your ex you gave your daughter condoms? Suggesting she get on the pill doesn’t excuse you for not sharing that information. But I would say it’s...