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  1. Z

    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @afolabi1024 I did. IMO... and experience after working in schools/preschools/daycare... anything before age 4 is daycare, not "school". At 4 my child went three days a week for 2.5 hours a day. The school was ran like a condensed kindergarten classroom and focused on things that kids would do...
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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @ckatiejo Personally I wouldn't hang out prior...I'd just meet em at 4 or at the concert. It's not worth the hassle and people with out kids don't understand
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 My daughter is now 19 and she started dancing when she was 3. I signed her up bc I wanted an activity for her to do, and when I suggested it she was all for it. From a motor learning stand point it's a great activity for children. But so are many other sports/activities. The dance...
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    @euxene Did you try the over the counter earache drops? I'm not sure the age you can use them, but recently I was sick and my ear hurt and it helped the pain immediately and I didn't have any more issues with my ear after
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    @euxene I'll be honest... we are a non vax household but when it comes to ear infections and strep I have zero problems with giving my kids antibiotics. Both infections can get worse quickly, and they are extremely painful. I am not going to watch my kids suffer. There's a huge difference...
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    Freaking out about canning

    @3angels I made freezer pickles instead bc I was so freaked out about canning! I wonder if you could freeze jam and jelly too?