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    For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

    @nicolakirwan There's a group of bikers in my area the regularly do rides for children's charities,cancer rides etc. I love those guys, they even sat in the court room supporting my kid, who they didn't even know, as she faced her abuser. Fuck stereotypes about bikers.
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    My 4 year old just put my 2 year old down for a nap AMA

    @dogwoodtree My 4yr old does this too! I wanna let the dishes sit another day and it's "no mom we need to wash them now!" And what would take me 15mins now takes 30+ with her helping lol.
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    What are the best phrases you never thought you’d have to say?

    @kkk Ditto for that "get out of the dogs butt" is ours lol.