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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @kunjax Me too. All of this.
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    Suggestions for strollers for tall parents!

    @jarno The Joovy Qool works great for my 6’4 husband!
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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @kunjax Yeah I know he is a sexual harasser, but that quote stayed with me. I also really liked how parenting was depicted in his shows; his daughters were his heart and soul but also parenting was shown as difficult. And boring and relentless.
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    This subreddit needs a wiki

    @kunjax Louis ck has a famous quote that goes: no good marriage has ever ended in a divorce.
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    A note from an educator

    @seventhtrumpetnow The LABabywearing community is Fantastic! I went just before everything shut down.
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    Why does everyone love the IKEA high chairs?

    @chris77777 I am with you on that one. I don’t like it at all. I am that one person who loves her Graco high chair.
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    What are some games I can do for about 5-7 kids age 1-3 indoors with minimal space for a birthday party?

    @brokenheart1 Do you have table space? I would do playdough or a very simple craft! My daycare often decorate cookies with the little kids. They also can glue various things to shapes of all kinds. Hot potato is simple enough (passing something around until the music stops). All sitting in a...
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    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    @ej13 Out of 10 flights with pre check last year, 0 let me go through with the baby in the carrier!
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    Bulking up an H. E. Washer

    @molly01 With hard water, it is recommended to have as minimal rinses as possible. In hard water, powder detergent such as Tide work really well. What is your routine? Do you use water softener such as Borax? Prewash: I do normal wash in cool or warm, line 1 of Tide powder, highest spin...
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    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    @spingle My experience is toddlers love back carry! They get to see everything and be close to us. Definitely start reintroducing it now though. Maybe go to the mall and test it. Let her walk for a bit and when she is tired, get her on your back. While at the airport, I strongly recommend...
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    Bulking up an H. E. Washer

    @klewanne How hard is your water? Do you put detergent in your prewash? How often do you wash?
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    Questions about buying secondhand cloth diapers and building a stash

    @sydwell We had AIO (12) and prefolds and covers. We had a super heavy wetter and used newborn prefolds at night + newborn covers and AIO during the day. Prefolds with a snappi are pretty easy and cheap; my husband who had never hold a baby did most of the changes and it went fine! Charlie...
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    Questions about buying secondhand cloth diapers and building a stash

    @sydwell The liners are useful for when baby starts eating solids and ointment. You just trash the liner with the big particle of poo or you rinse it if it is reusable. Some rash ointment don’t wash very out of polyester fabric (like pockets) so people use liners. Newborn cloth diapering was...
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    Questions about buying secondhand cloth diapers and building a stash

    @sydwell You won’t lose any money with the first deal. Just the wet bags and disposable liners will almost bring you to $45 on their own! It’s a great and super cheap way to test different diapers. The second one is interesting if you want to cloth diaper from the start (birth). If you don’t...