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  1. P

    15 months in…. When do I sleep again?

    @allisonbella My 2.5 year old just slept through the night for six nights in a row!!! So of course last night he was up for two hours 🤦‍♀️ Normally he's up once for about half an hour, and maybe a couple times a week he's sleeps through. We gave up and got him a full sized bed so I just go lay...
  2. P

    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    @jenny777 We were very convinced we'd be OAD during the first year (all three of us disliked our son as a baby). Once he became a toddler, he was so much happier and we were too! We went back and forth on a second for a while, but only recently decided to make this permanent now that he's 2.5.
  3. P

    Work call 9:00 pm it’s Friday night

    @whisper123 Only if I'm already online catching up on work.
  4. P

    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    @spingle Highly recommend the Gooseket! I fold it up and carry it everywhere with me. My guy hated all baby carries, but actually doesn't mind this one now that he's 2. My guy wants to be surgically implanted in my hip, so this works well for us. He would never tolerate a front or back carry...