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  1. M

    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    @drcao Hi there kabayan, thanks for your reply! I think my child and I have already established our anglophone relationship. I have a particular love for the English language, growing up as an expat several times over and always an outsider in the Philippines… it was my language of refuge :) I‘m...
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    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    @wantingtoknow Thank you so much for your reply. It was very reassuring! More particularly, thank you so much for the kindness that can be felt through your words. I have been anxious for different reasons as a new parent. It is so helpful and comforting when other parents are encouraging...
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    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    @xrho Thanks for your reply. I am hoping this is the case :)
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    My child prefers the minority language - what do I do?

    Hi all! For context, my 2 year 2 month old‘s minority language is English. We live in a French speaking country. She goes to a French daycare 1 and a half days a week. Our family language is English, but my partner and I speak french to each other. Our social circle is primarily francophone...
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    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    @robtarc Hi! Thanks for your reply. Grüezi :) I have no doubts that babies/toddlers pick up a language fast. I was mainly worried about the integration, since my baby is now 16 months, starting day care at almost 18 months and understands so much in English quite well. Just today, I saw her...
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    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    @sebe ”community language hits, it hits hard“ Oh gosh this is what I am trying to anticipate. Especially when she will talk to other kids who are way funner than Mom 😂 Hang in there!! Hoping it will stick for both of us!
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    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    @sebe Hi! This definitely helps. I was hoping that there is a bond that can form beyond language as well. The anecdotal Russian-speaking daycare example was very helpful, and your example from your own experience as well! She does get exposure. When we are outside the house, I tend to speak in...
  8. M

    Advice please! Underexposed toddler going to community language daycare + exposure to third language?

    Hi multilingual parents! For context, I am trilingual (Filipino/English/French), English being my strongest and my favored language. My SO is French-speaking and about a B2 level in English. We live in French-speaking Switzerland. I take care of my now 16 month old baby 100% and I‘ve been...