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  1. C

    Is this a bad reason?

    @dvz My husband liked being an only! (As did I growing up!) and I actually disliked having a half brother. He would’ve been more fine being done at one, I think I was the leader of that decision (although he also got on board of course and loves our second). For both of us there are a lot of...
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    Is this a bad reason?

    @dvz Yes, I totally get it. Both choices would’ve been right for different reasons! I said to my husband with my stepdad’s stuff, what I wanted more than anything was to have someone to look at and be like, “mom right?”. In the grand scheme of life experiences it’s small, but significant.
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    Is this a bad reason?

    @dvz I’m my mom’s only, and not gonna lie - my stepdad dying was a big factor in having a second child. I really wished for someone who knew my mom the way I did just to be able to share a known history with as I dealt with a difficult time. That said, my step sister was not helpful or...
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    One and done or try for 2nd… Let fate decide? Anyone tried this approach?

    @tiramisu Omg yes. Should we start a sub! Because I thought I wrote this! We’re letting fate decide for the next few months. I figure I’ll know how I feel deep down by then and we can either decide to keep trying or stop. We both agree that if we do get pregnant we’ll be excited, it’s just the...
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @priyana15 Thissss. Also Jesus if I had to choose one or the other I would MUCH rather regret not having a child.
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @jdsnyd Even if you have 50 children, other people’s children are not your business!
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @saara This. Sure if I could guarantee an easy pregnancy, and the delivery I wanted, and a baby that sleeps through the night after 3 months, and that my children would be best buds, and that my son would take to being a big brother and love it, I could see enjoying another child! But it...
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @roseforchrist I think the problem is you seem to keep explaining her decisions to her as if you need her approval. She doesn’t get a vote, her husband doesn’t either, I would stop giving any reason for my decisions, and I would change the subject as soon as she brings it up. “You really need...
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @roseforchrist I’m so sorry - that must feel doubly isolating. I would stop arguing the point with her and just be very clear next time she says something, “it’s not in the cards right now, and this attitude is so extremely hurtful.” Sometimes people just need their bad behavior pointed out.
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @roseforchrist I’m so sorry she’s doing this - it is tremendously unkind. To be honest my first thought is to tell her she’ll regret not having a baby sooner and see how she likes it, but that’s not the kind of person I would want to be, so I won’t suggest it to you. I would honestly just...
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    Should I have a 4th child?

    @jonnobody Speaking as someone with a 5 month old, so very freshly with a baby (my second) unfortunately even with a fourth the baby stage just goes so heartbreakingly fast. Don’t have another just for the baby.
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @georgeskutt Mine was when I was pregnant! I was like oh man fuck this I’m doing this at MOST one more time. Haha
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @hiplainsthrifter Some people are so wonderful with multiple children in their home! I’ve done lots of volunteer type things with preschoolers so I felt like, “totally I could do that!”. Reader, she could not.
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    Should I have a 4th child?

    @theclanofharris Great tip for number 1!
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @hayman522 Ha! Yup! Looking back I wonder like…had I met me?
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    Should I have a 4th child?

    @jonnobody That’s great news! But yes it’s a roll of the dice each time. I’ve had 2 c-sections and while I’ve recovered well I’m not sure I could do another recovery and I’m 35. This last one was very difficult.
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @fighttheflesh Lol I wanted FOUR!! 😂😂😂
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    Should I have a 4th child?

    @jonnobody Did your OB give you any feedback about the condition of your uterus after the third c-section? All other reasons aside I would be very concerned about a safe delivery with that much scar tissue.