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  1. T

    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @afolabi1024 Honestly, my oldest did perfectly fine! He learned everything he needed or wanted to learn and cruised into kindergarten without any issues! 😂 Edited to add: My other 2 kiddos are 3 and 1. They won’t be going to public school. But, my 3 year old (for example) can identify 10+...
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    5 yr old threatened to move to dad’s place

    @samiammk I’d get you in therapy & kiddo.
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    Facetiming a 1 year old

    @storieman Spend $20 and get a phone holder that clips to a table and have that table be in the room where kiddo is playing. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @afolabi1024 My children don’t even go to pre school. It’s basically daycare with just as much germs lol.
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    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @monique77 Of course! Here’s the way I see it. You go to work and that’s your job. He stays home so the kiddo and cleaning is his job. When you get home, he should absolutely get a break… say 30-60mins. You should also get some winding down time. This can’t happen, if he’s doing nothing during...
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    Need to know if I’m wrong

    @msmia That makes sense. Did they have kiddo(s) stay home with childcare while they took the other kiddos to go to pumpkin patch? Or, did they simply go when it wasn’t their parenting time?
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    Need to know if I’m wrong

    @msmia Chat sent!
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    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @carlthedreamer You’re right. When I said absolutely nothing, I meant house hold duties, certainly not childcare. Thank you for pointing that out!
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    Need to know if I’m wrong

    @msmia Do you mind if I send a direct message?
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    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    @monique77 Hi! I’m a SAHM. I have 3 kiddos, 2 cats, and 3 puppies. 🚨 I am assuming you don’t have a high needs child when writing this post 🚨 SLEEP PORTION: I am avidly against the working parent waking up at night when you only have one kiddo. The reason is, 8mo still take anywhere from...
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    Need to know if I’m wrong

    @msmia If he’s controlling and you don’t have a good relationship with his wife, then why did you move to another state with them?
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    @ajewelinhiscrown I was in that situation with my first born (a bit worse). I left my “partner” 4mo before our marriage. It was a MILLION times easier being a single parent with shared custody. It was honestly AMAZING compared to our “marriage”/relationship. I wish I had left sooner! 10+...
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    @ajewelinhiscrown Yikes! I’m sorry you have a partner like that. 😞. That makes the crappy day/situation 10x worse because you have a spouse that isn’t a partner/teammate. I hope that changes for you.
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    @ajewelinhiscrown Why didn’t your partner help you with the car seat that night or the next morning?????