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  1. J

    Hep B vaccine

    Hep B is transmitted through blood, not saliva. It is easily detected in a blood test thus an infected child would be known and--one would hope--childcare staff could effectively manage blood exposure.
  2. J

    Hep B vaccine

    @mccleary The child would have needed to both bleed on the cup and have Hep B. The likelihood of those happening is quite small, considering the huge majority of people who have Hep B know they have it and any parent who is paying attention would know 99% of the time if their child were in a...
  3. J

    Hep B vaccine

    @e123 Ive also heard for business reasons related to public health. The Hep B vaccine is life saving, particularly for people who share needles. It is a horrific disease, and communicable, but not contracted easily. The universe of need for Heb B vaccine is very small. Likewise, the universe...