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  1. J

    5 kids Failed morning routine

    @katrina2017 Most resources say children before puberty only need to bathe 1-3 times a week, and it's better for their skin and hair to not be washed daily. They do clarify that if your child is specifically dirty, oily, has been in water (lake/chlorine, etc.), or has bug spray or sunscreen on...
  2. J

    What do your babies wear to sleep

    @angelgirl4890 Lol, our house is set to 67/68 farenheit, so considerably colder. We use sleep sacks all the way until about 3 years old, when we switch to blankets (once I think they can actually keep a blanket on while sleeping instead of rolling out of it immediately). I think a 0.5 tog sleep...
  3. J

    So I’ve been trying to keep a set wake up time is 7-8 am too big of a range?

    @onguard Trying to understand your question - do you want a set wake up time consistently, or are you asking if sometimes waking up as early as 7am, and sometimes as late as 8am is OK? If you're asking about waking up at different times different days, I say go for it if it works for your LO...
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    Who should share a room?

    @silverblack59 Personally, I'd do the 7 and 5 year olds together for now, since their bedtimes are likely the closest. I'd keep the 2 year old and the 6 month old in their own rooms for now, just cause they're likely to have the most different sleep and awake times from the older two. You can...
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    Frustrated AND TIRED

    @walterburkhardt44 Precious Little Sleep has some ideas of what to do before 4 months. I used Fuss it Out with mine at 2.5 months and it was a game changer. Naps were still short because that's just common for the age (they don't generally get longer until some time around 6ish months without...
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    Bedroom configurations

    @sakranomoko Would it be possible to let them keep their closet space, but just move their beds for the time being? Certainly not ideal, but might work for the temporary year and a half you need? Alternatively, because the baby is and I presume will still be in a crib until 2ish when you're...