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  1. 2

    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    @xpertboy Truck, what an unusual name.
  2. 2

    Am I doing this right?

    @iluvatar5150 In case you want any advice on the latch: Your nipple needs to be pointing at the roof of baby's mouth. Make sure you're not aiming it at the back of the throat. I bf my first for 20 months and when I had my second less than 18 months later, I'd somehow totally forgotten to do...
  3. 2

    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @raptureman2020 It doesn't matter what she's labelled herself as or whether you think she understands the implications of it. The fact is that she had a crush on a girl. She doesn't have to "know what sex and sexuality is" to know that she's likes girls.
  4. 2

    Is it weird to ask if my daughter is invited to a birthday party?

    @stpetersadvocate The pointless questions 🤯 They are funny, though.