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  1. C


    @yoli24 Yes it was the same for me, I should’ve clarified. I wasn’t told of the limit until after they ruled out IUI as an option for us and recommended IVF. Luckily I had enough time to lose those few pounds before my cycle started for egg retrieval but if it I had to lose more I might have...
  2. C


    @deegee823 First let me say congrats on getting healthier, that’s an amazing thing and I hope you’re proud of yourself! I’m 36 with a regular cycle and ovulation with no health issues, just high BMI. Husband and I were trying for about a year with no success. I didn’t even ask my doctor about...
  3. C

    Sleeping/pregnancy pillow advice needed

    @taylors I haven’t tried yet but I’ve seen if you use U shaped pillow upside down it’s supposed to help a lot with side sleeping. The concept is you use your own pillows up top and the bottom of the U can go between your legs. It doesn’t open at night so it helps keep you on your sides. I have...