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  1. B

    Complicated feelings following baby #2

    @sigmachi1855 If you can get out and about it really helps. I took big brother (4) to playgrounds, museums, zoo etc as we had done before and baby came along in the baby carrier. Felt like I was still connected to big kid and baby was along for the ride
  2. B

    Complicated feelings following baby #2

    @d2ra0yz1on5 Oh I love this!
  3. B

    Complicated feelings following baby #2

    @urbanbee Yes! The ‘oh baby you need to wait a minute while I help your big brother’ etc really helped with mine. My boys are 4 years apart and they really love each other. They are 6 & 2 now. Little brother looks up to big brother so much and big brother is so kind to him.