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  1. I

    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @person47 Nope. LO is 6.5 months and we've lied at every check up. At his 6th month appointment, the pediatrician asked me if he still nurses in the middle of the night and I said yes. She said to wean him off it and that he should learn to self-soothe. I was shocked to hear that and am...
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    Why my Asian Upbringing Made me consider Attachment Parenting

    @ell3bee I was born and raised in the Philippines too and moved to the US about 10 years ago. I have a 5 month old with my American husband and found this sub just a few months ago. I didn't know that what I wanted to do was called Attachment Parenting but it's what I've gravitated to and works...
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    Sleeping on floor

    @danilog A bigger mattress that fits both of you is safer. With two mattresses, there's a risk of one or both of them moving and creating a gap that baby can roll into.