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  1. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @jesmo That’s amazing! Congrats on your little guy arriving next week! How exciting! I hope everything goes well and you have a smooth delivery!! 💕💕💕
  2. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @cw1 Thank you! 🙏 Good luck to you too for your NIPT test as well, hun. I feel like the statistics can be scary and a bit misleading. I’m doing the same as you though. I just keep looking at the pictures of my little wiggle worm from today and feeling that rush of happiness. 💕💕💕
  3. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @oldcarnutfred You’re absolutely right. When it really comes down to it there’s really like a 0.5% chance of anything being wrong. I’m just gonna keep hoping for the best and a smooth delivery of a healthy baby. 💕
  4. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @jonrgrover Yes!!! I know exactly what you mean! I’m having all the same fun pregnancy symptoms. It’s funny, my nausea hits me in the evening too. No vomiting thankfully, but I try to eat what I can during the day and then have saltines for dinner. Can’t wait for this part to pass!! 😅
  5. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @aviel Wow! Nice to meet you and to meet a fellow mum-to-be in the same boat! So glad I’m not alone! 💕regardless of my fears, I am riding the wave of pure happiness I got today seeing my little squirmy baby. I can’t wait to find out the gender in a week after submitting my blood for the NIPT...
  6. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @prodigal_son1111 Thank you! So happy your test came back low risk and congrats on your growing baby girl! 💓I have been telling myself too what will happen will happen and just hope for all the best. Trying to keep a positive outlook. 🥰
  7. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    I’m 10 weeks FTM at 39 and had my first ultrasound today. I was so worried I wouldn’t see a heartbeat, but it was there right away and the baby was very active. It wouldn’t sit still for the tech to take a good pic but I am already in love. Now that it’s totally real to me I am concerned about...