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    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @damon50 Same! Jokes on them, I now make money as a cloth diaper educator and advocate on social media. Haha!
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    Mama Koala 2.0 vs Texas Tushies AIO

    @hillis89 Mama Koala 1.0 is slightly smaller than Texas Tushies OS. The 2.0 is slightly smaller than the Texas Tushies XL. The XL is an extended size version of the OS. It has extended wings and a hip snap. The AIO is a OS which I find still fits my 2 year old well. It totally depends on your...
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    Preflat Material

    @maria890 I think for plain solid colors you can get some from Nature's Fabrics. If you want custom printed I'm not sure where but you can get your absorbant material where I mentioned and get a cutesy less absorbant option from any fabric store