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  1. K

    How the heck are y’all getting 3-4 oz from one boob!! I’m lucky if I can get 1-2 oz between the both. It’s driving me crazy!!

    @higherground Depends on - quality of your pump - quality of your pump parts - how you are using your pump (getting more than one let down, pump settings) - when you pump (time of day, when you nursed last) - how "hands on" you are while pumping, like do you hand express or massage while pumping...
  2. K

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @ronjonb Ugh we were in triple feeding hell for a month so I know what you mean. Luckily now baby has been on the boob since then with no supplementing. Hopefully one day you'll offer the baby a bottle after a long feed and they don't take it! That's what happened with me anyway.
  3. K

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @ronjonb Are you feeding at the breast and giving pumped milk after? That seems like baby isn't transferring milk well from the breast if you pumping that much. But I'm no expert! Seems like you are doing well and it's normal for them to up their intake over time.
  4. K

    Weekend fun w/toddlers

    @kybekynekane One up one down! It's alot but gives me lots of time one on one which is good.
  5. K

    Weekend fun w/toddlers

    @kybekynekane You should see the shit show I have going with my 2.5 yo and my 7m old. I like the quarter idea. I wish I had more weekend structure. My husband has been gone for 5 days and returns today so I'm ok with having an absolutely rabid day of small humans as long as they are fed, safe...