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  1. S

    My son and my girlfriend's daughter are starting to call us mom and dad, respectively. What's the right thing to say/do?

    @curiousaboutworship Sounds like a thing you and your girl have to discuss! That's a serious jump in roles so I would react the same way you did. Definitely not up to the kids to decide for you! On the plus side, sounds like they'd be down for it :) hope you and your gf can work out a solution.
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    COVID guilt and anxiety and running in circles on sending my son back to school

    @nancyd1024 You got me laughing. You're right about elementary school germ factories, that's why they should still be closed! That whole autism from vaccines story is so played out already. It's bullshit and I'm glad you know it.
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    COVID guilt and anxiety and running in circles on sending my son back to school

    @nancyd1024 Yeah if I'm in a school district like that, there's no way in hell I'm sending my kid to school. Your neighborhood sounds like a tough one for dealing with this safely. M's mom is a real pain though... skipping the test means you and the school don't know the rate and the risk. Dad...
  4. S

    Moving, Schools, and Change..

    @sheepofjesus One thing that's common in my area is school of choice even out of district. Wouldn't hurt to reach out to the district office to see what they might be able to do.