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  1. T

    Maternity clothes

    @torn12 Nursing tops all kind of suck anyway. Either they function nicely and look like trash, or they look nice and are a bitch to use. I found a nursing tank I liked and just wore regular shirts/sweaters over those. Then I’d just take the sweater off and nurse or pump with just the tank on. If...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 We generally have 1 activity for our 3 year old. At one point it was swim lessons (for safety and also for fun). Right now it’s gymnastics because he was just so cautious at the playground and I wanted him to be able to take risks with his body in an environment that maybe felt...
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    Lunch ideas needed!

    @streetlight I like LunchBots for their bento style but lightweight boxes. Ours has 4 compartments and I just fill each of them with protein, dairy/starch, fruit, vegetable for my 3 year old. His daycare doesn’t refrigerate their lunches so we’re in a similar situation. Example of what we use a...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @franciscovelasco Oh absolutely yes to the Target returns! You don't even need a receipt as long as it's something they are currently selling. I'd straight up return things to Target that I knew a relative had ordered on Amazon.
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @brineheart For us the biggest thing was honestly just putting less on our registry. And getting some of the big ticket things ourselves second-hand. High chair, infant tub, baby swing, crib, baby carrier, barely used cloth diapers. We got all of those free from friends passing them down. Halve...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @maintjie Okay, cool. Just having a discussion, not criticizing.
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @maintjie Um, you? You posted that kids will tell you that they want to be a ballerina as a signal they want dance classes. And that reading books is a good way to expose them to possibilities like ballet, baseball, music lessons, etc. And that makes sense. I was just offering a counterpoint...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @maintjie I think that misses the point a bit about what team sports or dance can provide. Sure it can teach you a specific skill like how to throw a ball or how to do a pirouette.But they can also show you how to be on a team or how to appreciate music. I know you know that as a parent, but...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @kmar123 Same. My parents put my brothers in sports and me in dance. I liked dance a lot but have always felt a little ripped off that I never experienced team sports or built friendships that way. My mom’s reasoning was that I never asked. Obviously I knew about the existence of sports from my...