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  1. M

    Hating my postpartum body

    @nordstrom This happened with my mom and I fully expect out to happen to me. It didn’t seem to happen with my sister but she was always heavier set than my mother and me. I’m currently still breastfeeding so I’m slightly bigger than I used to be but I started at 30B/C and I’m currently a 32B/C...
  2. M

    3 weeks of no diapers and STILL haven’t made it to the bathroom for poop

    @drawingangel2 You put on undies way too fast. We went commando for about two weeks. She also might need privacy to poop. My kid was poop shy so she held her poop until I put on the night time diaper. She was also adamant about not pooping outside the home even when she was a few months old so...
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    Lanolizing wool

    @dsilvain when i lanolized mine it didn’t feel sticky to me and worked fine. you really don’t need more than a pea size in a normal bathroom sink of water. what i did notice was that one time i didn’t warm the water enough so my lanolin was a bit blobby soo i had some sticky spots that...
  4. M

    Gaining weight even when breastfeeding

    @shikyo792 Eating more will of course be the culprit. I lost weight while breastfeeding and did not stop producing milk. It wasn’t on purpose. I just didn’t have time to eat at one point. I think if you don’t have too high of a calorie deficit you will continue to produce milk. Maybe just eat...