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  1. G

    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    @mymichelle21 I just make a point of not getting anything like that myself and when inevitably someone gets stuff for my kids, use the HECK out of it. My mom got my 2 year old one of those extra large wind up hopping Easter chicks last year. He LOVED that thing, played with it for months before...
  2. G

    Intermittent fasting with toddler

    Not sure which sub is appropriate for this, apologies if it is not here. I am about 3 months postpartum with kiddo #2, my first is 27 months (almost exactly 2 years apart). I’ve been struggling with losing the weight and feeling good about myself. One of the things that worked for me in the...