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  1. G

    8.5 month old habit feeding at night?

    @bolleke That’s a really great idea- thank you!
  2. G

    8.5 month old habit feeding at night?

    @bolleke Thank you!! Super helpful- when did you start chamomile? I’ve thought often that he’s just waking from thirst not hunger so something like that that wouldn’t spoil would be nice once he’s a bit older. Obviously just water would work too I guess
  3. G

    8.5 month old habit feeding at night?

    @bolleke When were you able to start doing that? Do you go back and grab the bottle so he doesn’t drink it once it goes bad? Also are you offering BM or cow’s milk?
  4. G

    8.5 month old habit feeding at night?

    From 6 weeks (after getting cleared from pediatrician to stop waking for night feeds) until 4 months my baby only would wake once for a bottle around 2-4am after going to bed at 7ish. During the four month regression we where hit hard and did whatever we could to just get through and we came out...
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    8 month old schedule help

    @jsc2009 Usually happy- we tried stretching the ww a little today and he was really hard to put down and woke up crying but that isn’t what usually happens
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    8 month old schedule help

    @victorbess Thank you!! I have this idea in my head that if I was nursing then this would be normal but because he gets bottles I’m doing something wrong. Nursing was not an option for us until he was already 8 weeks old and at that point he had no interest and already was so used to the bottle...
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    8 month old schedule help

    @victorbess Thank you!!! It’s like I know all of these things are true but when I see that he shouldn’t be needing 2-3 bottles overnight it makes me feel like I’m failing and I should be trying to get him to settle without milk but I honestly don’t know how to do that.
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    8 month old schedule help

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you!!
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    8 month old schedule help

    Really struggling with how to get some help with my baby’s sleep that doesn’t include any level of CIO/sleep training. I feel strongly that it’s a schedule issue that I just can’t figure out and looking for advice! Some background on baby- 8 months old fomo baby, has always been a cat napper...