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  1. J

    Infant sleep

    @thomashanancy I coslept with my son for the first year and he slept exactly how I did as a baby - so still I had to check he was breathing sometimes. At a year he moved into his own room and started sleeping through the night. Now if I try to cosleep he is so wiggly and fidgety. I miss our...
  2. J

    First time being mom shamed was because of co-sleeping

    @hopehouse Ha yeah, before my baby was born I was sceptical about cosleeping from a safety point of view. And then I had him and realised how much more unsafe it would be if we never got any sleep. Hopefully she is self aware enough to apologise when she is a few weeks PP and remembers what she...
  3. J

    Where to start???

    @kurret I love bubblebubs bigs with Motherease Airflows on top. That's what The Nappy Lady (UK advice and sales website) recommended for me once baby reached 10lbs. The covers are sized but the nappies should last til potty training as they are very stretchy.