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  1. B

    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    @tisanewseason You’re welcome! We’re at 22m going strong with BF and cosleeping. Many of my friends are not likeminded so it’s great to find those who are, even if it’s just on Reddit!! 💛
  2. B

    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    @tisanewseason Ppl with any kind of opinion on what you’re doing can SUCK IT! Your baby, your choice. Rock on mama 💕
  3. B

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @ms92help Ohhh mama sending so many hugs and much love to you!!! You are doing AMAZING!!! Social media is sometimes such BULLSHIT!!! I was suffering as well from the constant bombardment of information. What I learned from that is basically new moms are a very vulnerable group of people and we...