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    1 crib vs 2

    @theophilac20 Sharing a crib is not recommended in the US and in most other countries only considered safe until they start being able to move (which isn’t much time…..around 3-4 months and they can usually move enough to make this dangerous).
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    Help: WFH while pregnant w/ 2

    @lishanaidoo I worked from my couch from like 26 weeks on. I would half recline and have the laptop on the arm.
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @lisajcoleman1 So I had almost the same thing happen to me and I was very upset……..however one of the nurses said something that really rings true. You don’t want to do anything that the doctor isn’t comfortable doing. Yes, maybe a different doctor WOULD be comfortable but unless you can find...
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    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    @chuckm Look I did this……I was at the end of my rope and transferred two embryos and both stuck. While I don’t regret it, but it turned out reasonably well in my case in terms of long term health complications for me and for the babies. A twin pregnancy is a LOT more risky!!!!! It’s far more...
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    How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

    @cinder7 It’s rare for twins to be that big…….buuuut…. my doctor wouldn’t schedule an induction/c section before 38 weeks. I believe 38 weeks is the normal medical timeframe for a scheduled c section. I do also know one twin mama that did insist on a natural delivery and went to 40 weeks but...
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    I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

    @rrruff The first 12 weeks were unbelievably hard………but NOTHING as bad as the last 12 weeks of pregnancy. I had c section complications and was on a LOT of pain. My core was like jello and I couldn’t sit up without rolling to the side for honestly probably 5 months. STILL soooo much easier than...
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    Even More Unsolicited Perspective - There is Hope!

    @mndad2 I have 1 year olds and man…..I’m not going to lie, I think they are MUCH harder to handle now than when they were newborns. They seem very determined to spend every minute of every day TRYING to hurt themselves!!! But that’s ok… you said….it’s a stage. I don’t like this stage...
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @zeezee The most they ever let me have was 2 follicles for IUI. There’s a really good chance you have 4-5 mature follicles (depends on the individual but a 14 mm follicle can definitely produce a mature egg). That’s very risky in almost all circumstances. I’m sure there are some medical...
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    @mrsstylz My twins are only 9 months, but one of my friends singleton didn’t cut her first tooth until around 15 months. As far as I know, her doctor said it could be normal to go up to 18 months before getting the first tooth.