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  1. K

    What chores do you get done while baby wearing?

    @wrshamblinjr Very good point - I honestly only did it with stuff that was safe, like chopping up veggies, pouring in ingredients for soup, stuff like that!
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff I highly recommend the book Precious Little Sleep. Lots of good tips in there. Unfortunately you may be stuck in a cycle of overtiredness, making it hard to get him to sleep. Does this usually happen in the later afternoon/evening? Usually that’s when overtiredness hits hard and is...
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    What chores do you get done while baby wearing?

    @wrshamblinjr When I used to baby wear I would cook, do East laundry tasks that didn’t require bending down, and just tidy up :) I don’t mean to be judgey at all, but I feel like dusting near baby isn’t a good idea but I could be wrong.. just wanted to mention that. But I guess it also depends...
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff Sorry if I missed this somewhere but have you offered a pacifier? Seems like he wants to suck for comfort. It will be a little while longer likely before he can suck his hand or thumb - every baby is different but for mine it’s come about when baby was like 2-4 months old.
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    Baby going to doctors tomorrow during nap time. What to do?

    @rdliid Do you think you could squeeze in a 20-30 min nap before leaving for the appt? I had a similar situation today and what I did was put her down for a nap 15 min early and she thankfully fell asleep, woke her up 30 min later right before we had to head out the door. You could even wake up...
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    8mo missed second nap and slept amazingly. WHAT DOES IT MEAN

    @hotleatherworld Hmm maybe experiment? Try adding a little more wake time and a little less nap time. Could just be exhaustion tbh. But for 8.5 months old I feel like your first wake window could be longer - at least 3 hrs. Seems like your WWs are 2.75/3.25/3.75 so if you want you could try...
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    Make your dental appointments

    @zackjohnson922 Yup! That’s true. I just meant to get X-rays taken. I had my dental cleaning during pregnancy.
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @misslou Independent play is a great skill to have baby work on! Give her a toy and see if she can be content staring at it, grasping at it, etc. Walking outside is also great. When my babe was 3 m I usually did a combo of tummy time, contrast images, walking around, independent play for a few min.
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    Can someone help me with a proper schedule for my 16 week old?

    @penguinpet Ah yes, I have heard a few times that sleepy cues become unreliable around this time so that might be what’s causing issues!
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    Make your dental appointments

    @p8089 This! As someone who is cavity prone I have been waiting to be no longer pregnant so that I can go to the dentist. Excited (is that weird to say? Lol) to go soon
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    Can someone help me with a proper schedule for my 16 week old?

    @penguinpet Wake windows seem too short. For that age, they should be doing something more like 1/1.25/1.25/1.25/1.5/1.5 if on 5 naps, 1/1.25/1.25/1.5/1.5 if on 4 naps. That’s closer to a 3 month old schedule though so you can also try 1.25/1.5/1.5/1.75/1.75. Also, note that .25 = .25 of an...
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    Is it a bad idea to wait until Black Friday to order my car seat / stroller? I’m due December 6th

    @reddc44 This is very true! The only thing that would stress me out is having the seat properly installed and stuff before the baby arrives. Although I guess it’ll have to be brought up to the baby first anyway in the hospital, but just knowing how to install it and make it secure ahead of time...
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    What baby items are helpful for starting solids?

    @favoursaks That’s the one I have too! So I’m glad I got that one :) thanks for sharing
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    What baby items are helpful for starting solids?

    @gaconvn Thanks! For soft face cloths, do you have any recommendations?
  15. K

    What baby items are helpful for starting solids?

    I have the Tripp Trapp high chair that was a group gift for us. I also have a silicone bib and 2 cloth ones, one of these pacifier looking things you can put food/frozen milk into, a wooden bowl with utensils, and 2 cups (one with a straw, one without). What are some items that y’all have...