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  1. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @kpec3arrival Thank you for your response :) I am wishing you a sticky little one!
  2. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @bearring Checking back in with you!
  3. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @bearring I had a hemorrhage. Due to bleeding very early I had ultrasounds starting at 4 weeks (can’t really see much at all at 4 weeks but they wanted to make sure things were progressing properly) I saw a heartbeat at 6 and 7 weeks, then at 9 weeks exactly I found out the heartbeat had stopped...
  4. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @bearring I had mine yesterday. 6 + 5, with a strong little heartbeat. I have, unfortunately experienced loss after heartbeat, but I’m hoping this one stays!
  5. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @bearring Checking in on you, did you have your scan?
  6. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @bearring Wishing you the best of luck. Please get me updated, I hope I hear good news from you!!
  7. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    @bearring Thank you for your response. You are right, the increase does look good. I think I’m just trying to talk myself out of being even a little excited. I want this to be our lucky #7 so badly.
  8. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    Hi all, I am currently pregnant with my 7th pregnancy. I have had an abortion, 3 losses, and I have two living LO’s (4 and 6) I found out I was pregnant on Feb 27th. I tested early and to my surprise, there was a line! I have taken about 50 tests since then LOL. Due to my history of loss, I am...