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  1. F

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @chris73 Why would you even attempt to explain this difference you believe there to be? Just give your kid the facts, they are not up for debate but they certainly explain why he shouldn't say that word or any variation of it, at all. Granted it's not an easy conversation to have. If you don't...
  2. F

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @longing4truth It's a touchy subject for some people, especially when it comes to their children (unfortunately, it shouldn't be IMHO)
  3. F

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @chriscooke95 It's the same reasoning that goes for all the other bad words
  4. F

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @chriscooke95 That one's not tough. The person of color should not be saying it to him either.