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    Red flags of toxic stress in my 4 year(5 in July) granddaughter

    @lelouch Thank you for the kind reply!
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    Red flags of toxic stress in my 4 year(5 in July) granddaughter

    @jord1999 In a perfect world I would have already asked. She blames her substance abuse on me because I wasn’t the kind of mother she wanted. She didn’t like rules, curfews or supervision and moved with her dad at 13 because he “understood her”. Her troubles with drugs began with him and she has...
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    Red flags of toxic stress in my 4 year(5 in July) granddaughter

    There is a lot of history to try and break down without getting wordy. I think the easiest way to explain is to start with today and work backwards. Here goes: 6 am this morning I wake to a text and could only really see the words “mom, I need help, and call me” the rest was to blurry to make...