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  1. J

    3 Week Old, Baby Blues, First Time Mom,Help? (x-posted from /r/mommit)

    @mark500 Stop the depo. Do not get another shot. That stuff alone has the ability to make any sane normal person insane. Not to mention your hormones are already in a massive state of fluctuating. And get a different med, Wellbutrin can also increase anxiety in some. Try visceral, it's super...
  2. J

    Expecting baby #3, looking for baby wear options

    @dannyabc I love my little frog ring sling. I also have a water sling. I BF in both no problem. I have a mei tai that's great, and a boba 3G. It is so comfy for house work when she's in a back carry!!
  3. J

    Expecting baby #3, looking for baby wear options

    @djson Really? Did you try the infant position? I made a tiny baby and she loved the boba 3G, although daddy uses it more when out and about, and I use it mostly at home.
  4. J

    Check my first purchase please

    @mofugi They can run $3-4. I love my alva too, but they didn't fit until 12 lbs.
  5. J

    Check my first purchase please

    @bunny136 Sunbaby fit the smallest. There's also a NB fold you can do with one size Google fu isn't working right now though. You button the middle rise and cross the side tabs. Is about the way I remember...
  6. J

    Check my first purchase please

    @bunny136 I love my alvas. May not fit until 12 lbs though. Try sunbabys too!
  7. J

    Check my first purchase please

    @barneycottontop When buying from a co op, the alvas used sell more then I paid new... Lol.