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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @adamman I read a post where a mom was crushed because she only got 2 hrs a day with her 10 month old. I literally couldn’t imagine being in that position! As hard as being a SAHM can be, it’s worth being there for all those moments
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    What do you tell your pediatrician about sleep?

    @yoshinat0r I’m honest. The nurse always asks where he sleeps, I say with me on our floor bed and she goes “ok!” There’s a note on his chart that always says “discussed safe sleep” but they never have really said anything about it
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @greened67 I’m so glad your husband in understanding and a good father and partner!! I get so angry when I see posts where a working parent acts like the SAHP does nothing. Don’t let the judgmental people get you down, there’s providing financially but there’s also providing love, constant care...
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @person47 I do. His chart always has a note that says “discussed safe sleep” or something like that but she never actually pushes back or says anything other than “ok!”
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot Daily: cooking/baking/meal prep, dishes, kitchen counters, sweep/spot mopping in kitchen, wipe down high chair, litter box Weekly: Fri = bathroom, Sat = cleaning bedrooms, Sun and Wed = sweep and vacuum living room and hallways, Mon = deep clean kitchen, Tues = trash/recycling/ cans...
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    the changes between 6-9 months range has been insane!!!

    @justicem First 3 months are an eternity. 3-12 months I’d like that guy blinking meme
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @malieta For sure, some couples genuinely can’t afford it.
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @ukpatco Damn paying for daycare for 3 under 3 would be be like another mortgage and a half
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @gtdispomed9093 Exactly, it’s like hell I’m broke either way in this economy
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @jlt83 Being a SAHM is definitely teaching me how to let things roll off my back! I’m only a little less than a year in tho, so I’m still working on it lol
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    Is anyone else a SAHP because you can’t afford NOT to be? I love being a SAHM but I also have to be bc if I was paying for daycare, it’d cost about 75%+ of my income. That’s assuming I could even get a spot at a daycare. I’d rather be home with my baby myself than make a little bit more money...
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    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    @ajewelinhiscrown I do almost 100% of household work but my husband would never say something like that. Cause he KNOWS I always do the dishes. Also I only do 100% of household work bc he works a job that requires hard physical labor. If he worked from home I would probably want him to do more...
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    @angeliqueg I’ll never understand how people see cosleeping as selfish. It’s literally all your baby wants. They’re close to you, you respond to their needs immediately, they feel safe and warm
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    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @chenml60 So I do breastfeed but I have never followed the no blanket rule. I just tuck it around myself. And I always use a pillow. I also stopped putting him down on his back once we got the hang of side lie nursing. Now he always sleeps on his side or belly. The safe sleep 7 are guidelines...