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  1. T

    Sometimes it hurts to question bills

    @katrina2017 17 weeks - bill estimate with insurance is 14k for a low complication vaginal delivery with a fully healthy child. Luckily, my out-of-pocket max (so the full amount I have to pay on all medical charges for me for the year) is $3800. And all of my prenatal (and most of my other...
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @seekinghope A water bottle, I hate it so much
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @notly1988 Ours has an employee who kicks you out if you even try to wave at the dogs in the daycare section, it pisses me off so much. They also spray the dogs. There shouldn’t be a window there if you’re going to punish the dog and shoppers. But we do love saying hi to the fish and small pets!