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  1. R

    I feel tricked

    @gregorybeck22 Why did he do that? That is such a disgusting, selfish act on his behalf. He knew and didn’t bother to tell you until after? Knowing you could get pregnant again while being only 5 weeks PP. You did not consent to that and he knows it, I wouldn’t sleep with him again and you...
  2. R

    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    @2bhealed I’m much like you! I’m 5’7” and after my Bub I was 180lbs. Before I had her I was 140lbs. I’m now 148bls and still losing. I want to get down to 130lbs. Do you have a crèche at any local gyms? (Idk if that’s what it’s called everywhere, I’m from Australia). If you can find a gym with...
  3. R

    Stupid question - calorie intake

    @kns87111 A way to gage it to a better extent is to google “calorie calculator” and place in your details, it’ll tell you how much you should need to lose weight and at what speed, in saying that you’re breastfeeding and it won’t be accurate, I think we’re meant to be eating 500cals or so more...