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  1. E

    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    @jacobla Imo it's always worth having someone come out with an XRF to test the paint at your home. Knowledge us power and there is no way to know without testing. An anecdote: my house was built in 1790. A couple months after we moved in I brought the XRF home and tested our house. There is...
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    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    @way195 So most kids don't actually eat lead chips, thats now considered an outdated way of thinking. They ingest lead dust through normal hand to mouth behavior. If your lead paint is in good condition it is much less of a risk. If it's in poor condition, chipping, flaking, a door is rubbing...
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    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    @rascoeb Lead paint!!!!! And people doing their own renovations in old houses!! Also if you do any hobby using lead. But if you do those hobbies you probably know and are hopefully using good housekeeping practices
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    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    @torn12 Good God. As someone who works in the lead testing industry please avoid LSM at all costs. While not always wrong she is a known fear monger who ultimately does more harm than good
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    Visitors immediately post c-section

    @cbmiller What is this man bringing to this relationship because it sure doesn't sound like loyalty