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  1. E

    HCG results - are they tracking okay? Doctor won’t scan till 8 weeks

    @gebmol Your betas look awesome!! I would take a deep breath for now :)
  2. E

    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    @jillybean736 Yes! But the numbers aren't super accurate so if you see 70 or whatever don't freak out. Is more what you hear. You can count out the sound of the beats
  3. E

    Dear Everyone who said this would suck…

    @revstockton Same. Being pregnant was rough and I slept like shit My baby is 3 months sleeps 12 hrs straight and is generally a fun and happy baby when she's awake. I love playing with her and taking care of her. My husband is super hands on and respectful. I would take the newborn stage over...
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    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    @jillybean736 Hi friend, I was In your shoes last spring! MMC diagnosed at my 13 WK scan, a chemical in between and then a 12.5 week scan with my longed for double rainbow baby!! I was terrified. Personally, I used a Doppler and found baby from 10 wks on. I'm also an OB nurse so I knew how to...