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  1. F

    New to the NICU

    @jesusrocksjose777 Welcome to the world Charlie 🥰 you will see what a fighter your little one is. You will find a strength in yourself you never knew existed. But remember, there will be setbacks. Things will be hard. But your little one will pull through. It's a long journey but one day you'll...
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    Shyloh has been diagnosed with NEC

    @barneyo Come on little Shyloh ♥️ sounds like you have the best care possible. Keep going for your little girl.
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    Little guy won’t sleep at night

    @adesigner Are you sure he is awake when grunting? Preemies are particularly noisy and active sleepers. Ours made some crazy goat sounds for a while. They also have underdeveloped digestive systems so struggle to get farts out. These systems are very active at night and early morning so they...
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @prophoss It is incredibly tough and takes a lot of patience and willpower. But I always ask myself - what is the alternative? The alternative is you force your baby to eat more and make the aversion worse. You got this. Stay strong.
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @alysson Ugh that sucks! Glad you managed to resolve it so quickly. I am also determined never to force with solids. My girls are still a little away from that but we have had such a crap experience that I just want them to absolutely take the lead!
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @alysson Sorry you went through this too. It's so so so stressful and I'm amazed at how few people know about this. Myself included. It can get so severe. I am glad your boy is now aversion free.
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @prophoss This sounds like bottle aversion. Look up Rowena Bennetts book. It is when babies have inadvertently been pressured by parents to finish bottles and they develop an aversion where they scream and arch away from the bottle because they expect to be overfed. My twins have this and I am...