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  1. M

    Sometimes it hurts to question bills

    @boondocks777 Talk to your insurance instead of the hospital! See where this 9k is being applied to, is it your deductible? Ask the insurance to mail you an EOB. If in fact you do owe the said amount, see if the hospital has a charity care program or if they can set you up on a long payment plan.
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    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    @kimberly1988 It doesn’t hurt to ask anyway! Tell them you just heard about the program and see what they say 😅
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    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    @kimberly1988 In the same boat as you but my 29 weeker (almost 1 year actual) is not hitting all of her milestones, so I’m conflicted. Also her NICU follow ups are two hours away at the hospital. They are expensive. My baby also has a neurologist - so the appointment next month I am going to ask...
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @kingskid001 My girl has no allergies or asthma so far. She will be 13 months soon (10 months adjusted as she’s a 29 weeker)
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @kingskid001 My daughter had bacterial meningitis and was on antibiotics for 23 days in a picc line. What are your concerns about them?