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  1. C

    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @katrina2017 I am feeling pretty good, thank you so much for asking. Getting excited(?) for next week, if excited about being induced is appropriate. But each day that goes by brings me one step closer to seeing our girl.
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @ransomovitch That’s amazing! I’m so happy he’s doing well! I’m sure he’s growing right before your eyes, and seeing his progress and giving him all the love has made it all worth it! And thank you so much. I really have found amazing support here and it’s keeping me going.
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @ransomovitch 27 weeker, you are so strong ❤️ I think that this experience gives people a sense of strength they didn’t know they had. Which is why I definitely hope to get to talk to others in the NICU. I am happy we have made it to 33 weeks now and hopefully can get to 34. She’s right on...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @chretien22 Oh my goodness, I am so sorry you had to experience that. I couldn’t imagine not being able to hold my baby once she’s here. I did ask today to tour the NICU and I was able to ask questions. But in unexpected situations, it would be so scary dealing with that unknown. At least with...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @gospelgloryministries Right?? I was so surprised when she told me that when I went over to visit. I think that’s pretty awesome, and helps with our anxiety of leaving her when we do need to go home. Especially since my husband is going to work until she comes home, he can keep an eye on her at...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @gospelgloryministries Thank you so much for saying this. The more I hear it, the better I will feel and maybe it’ll help me feel less guilty about leaving. But to be able to heal in my own home, my own bed seems like what I will need after being in the hospital for all this time. They did tell...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @lolasrobot Aww I love when you said have fun with your baby. I don’t want her to feel my stress and anxiety, I want to be happy and healthy for her.
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @userdelta Omg 25 weeker. What a strong person you are!
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @zeener Thank you! I like that way of thinking, and I have read how sometimes NICU babies can do really well once they get home, since they got used to certain things after being in the NICU. These babies are strong, and I love looking at it that way, thank you!
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @chiliman Thank you! I think it is frustrating because all you want is to speed things up, but knowing you have zero control is really tough to process. I think taking things one day at a time is all that you can do.
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @petra8586 I appreciate this, great advice. I think we might feel sometimes that we need to be strong, appearing like we have it all together, but inside are feeling 1000 different things. I think being honest with your emotions is very crucial, thank you.
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @katrina2017 Oh no, I’m so sorry that you have had to suffer through this. It’s so important to check on mom, I hope you are doing okay
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @judahreese Thank you so much! I am so glad that your baby is doing well, and wow, almost 4! I am sure time has flown by for you. This is great advice, we just have to trust the doctors, nurses and staff that they know what they are doing. I have had a wonderful experience with the staff so far...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @bonngamchan I love your username btw! I am so looking forward to enjoying legit, strong coffee again anytime I want lol. I had a little caffeine while I was here and that was not a good idea, it got my blood pressure going ugh! I appreciate your advice though, I have a tendency a lot of the...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @jsw3883 One day at a time, you’re exactly right. That’s all you can really do. I am s sorry to hear you are on day 41, I wish your family all of the best, hang in there. Your advice is wonderful, thank you so much. I’m someone who can tend to suppress emotions that would make me look weak, or...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @juanqui66 Yeah, I am sure there are some things they will do that I don’t want or need to see. It’s already traumatic enough, I don’t need to see her poked and tested. Everyone has said it’s okay to go home, so I really appreciate you adding that too. Because we were afraid of feeling guilt for...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @jd011089 Thank you! I appreciate hearing that
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @ahmed360 Thank you so much for the advice! I think your story is really impactful, especially it being like a roller coaster. So many have said not to compare yourself to others, every baby is different. I am so sorry that your pregnancy was cut short. I said that I felt bad getting admitted at...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @braesha Great advice. I definitely will. The last thing I want is to be bombarded with texts and calls just to end up saying the same thing. I feel like it’s so easy to compare yourself to others, I scroll this sub and sometimes I find it wonderful when I see other people’s success stories, but...
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    What is one thing you learned/one thing nobody warned you about?

    @forgivenofsins Such good advice! I will try to have a primary nurse if I can, the staff here have been great so far, but hopefully I can have a go-to person. And I like the group chat idea too! I don’t want to have to be on my phone constantly answering the same questions from family members...