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    Suggestions for strollers for tall parents!

    @jarno I've heard the Stokke strollers are good for tall parents
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    Bumbleride Era V Indie

    @lamplight The wheels on the Era are still really heavy duty. It’s not a jogging stroller but should off road fine. Personally the rear facing seat is super important to me so I would vote for the Era.
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    Is 3 almost easier?

    @morgannicole555 We only have two so far but I’m the third kid for my parents and according to them adding me was a piece of cake. My siblings were 7.5 and nearly 4 when I was born though. I was a super chill baby though too
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    Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

    @patersonchristian Paradoxically it seems that introducing foods too early contributes to FPIES, though there isn’t much research to back it up. But age is a major factor. Less and less likelihood of developing triggers as they get older. Anyway. Lucky me - my toddler has both FPIES and ige so...
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    Symptomatic bacterial strep throat in toddler: antibiotics?

    @orthodoxjay1 Personally I would treat it with antibiotics due to the risk of complications everyone else mentioned, IF it was up to me. My actual comment is just to say that guidelines do differ between countries on this topic. My toddler got a rash that I was suspicious could be from strep...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy Ugh. When we started TTC in June, we had been using the sauna every day because the cabin we were living at had no shower. The only way to get warm water to wash yourself is the sauna! This is common where we live. So we stopped, but sperm take 72 days to mature, and my husband...
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @iaian Their sleep cycles definitely mature around 4 months (could be sooner or a bit later) and that is 100% normal brain development. I’m 99.9% sure this is definitely known oh an and based on infant sleep studies but I don’t offhand know the specific studies to link. I’d guess this is...
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @catherinecc They make extenders for bodysuits to make them longer!
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    [VENT] Out of my control and PISSED

    @zara123 I’m so sorry. That’s so unfair. I hope you able to take care of this ASAP so you can move on finally.
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    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @stronglady Receipts are full of BPA which is why you should avoid touching them. It’s an important occupational exposure and is definitely harmful.
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    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @danial1234567 I would also be interested in this
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @ajay24 This is super concerning. I feel so much for people in countries where this is such a big issue. Here we are doing better, though they are opening schools so we will see what is happening after that. Many people, myself and my partner included, are still working from home and will be...
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @tammy1ed2 This is exactly our situation too. Now it is hopefully baby first then wedding.