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  1. R

    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @sisi My whole point was someone who hasn’t actually been “trying” (My RE and I both define trying as timed intercourse with OPK and/or BBT tracking) claiming they have been and saying they relate to what I’ve been going through.
  2. R

    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @sisi I was just pointing out that isn’t our RE’s policy, but I guess you seem to know better.
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    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @sisi My issue is the definition of “try”. Having sex once a month at random isn’t really “trying”. We see the same RE and the criteria is supposedly 12+ months of unprotected, timed sex with tracking for under 35 and 6+ months for over 35. I get that she is being seen before me because of age...
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    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @manitouscott This is happening with a mom friend now. We both started trying for #2 at the same time (supposedly). I'm 31, was diagnosed with secondary infertility (PCOS that I did not have with my first), and cannot ovulate or have a period without meds. I've been tracking BBT, OPK, and...