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  1. T

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @mikegray I have 2 boys 2 1/2 years apart. I gained 45 lbs with my 2nd but carried my weight differently than with my 1st because I was more active during my 2nd pregnancy. The big difference is I was a SAHM with my 2nd pregnancy. I was still into daily walking, riding statonary bike and eating...
  2. T

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @morirach I gained 65 pounds with my first pregnancy. I was uncomfortable and exhausted all the time. After my son was born I decided I needed to take drastic action. It wasn't healthy but I went on an 800 calorie a day diet. Kept a food diary with calories listed per meal. Lots of eggs, tuna...