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  1. D

    Hunt, gather, parent

    @joshdons I read the book while pregnant, but still fell into the norm of “entertaining” the baby instead of just letting him explore at his own pace. It was also really hard to not overpraise. Going to the playground with a bunch of toddler parents really made me realize how much Americans...
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    Infant sleep

    If my husband is not sleeping with us, I take LO and we sleep in the guest room where the bed is up against the wall. So LO won’t fall off the bed. I’ve tried sleeping facing away from baby but I get anxiety because I know I’ll have to turn around when he wants to BF and turning around will...
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    Infant sleep

    @thomashanancy My LO sleeps in the middle of the bed between my husband and me. When LO started rolling in his sleep, he would only roll the top half of his body, pivoting at his feet. So the three of us would end up in a bizarre “N” formation, sometime “H” formation, and once or twice he...
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    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    @infomommax I think you mentioned that he has access to the shared calendar but only you get the notifications? One way around that is to invite his personal email to the event. Then he will get an email notification to Accept and then he’ll get the notifications too. Basically you need to find...
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    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    @infomommax I put all appointments that affect work schedules on our work calendars. And on our shared Google calendars. It’s the only way to make sure we don’t double book meetings, since my husband isn’t allowed to take his personal phone into work and my memory capacity since having a kid has...
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart Is she teething? She could be nursing more for pain relief / comfort. Whenever our LO was teething we gave a dose of Tylenol before bed to help with the pain.
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    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

    @cns I tried fingers foods first with my first but he didn’t really understand. We had much more success with purées first, then making them chunkier as he got older. Even when he got teeth it’s still a new skill to learn to chew.
  8. D

    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

    @cns I would try going back to a schedule, instead of having her graze all day, so she gets hungry between tries. Make yourself a little snack or food when she eats too so you can show her / eat together. I read once on another post that someone’s kid didn’t eat solids unless it was “seasoned”...