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  1. C

    What should baby be wearing?

    @meeee You'll have some sense of if clothing needs tweaks since you're so close together - but also I often pack a little blanket around in my jacket just in case we need it! Feels good for my brain more than anything else.
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    What should baby be wearing?

    @meeee Since the Boba is 3 layers over their core, I’d be aiming to dress baby pretty basic (hat, long sleeves, pants, shoes) and then layer the two of you together.
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    Sling/wrap you can put on over a sleeping baby?

    @brineheart You can pre-tie the Boba then put her in once she’s deep asleep. A ring sling could also work! I’ve maneuvered myself and a sleeping baby into a ring sling occasionally.
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    A&L onbuhimo defects: seeking for experiences

    @lady6wheels Ah that one I don’t see, you’re likely correct it never posted.
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    Too late for ring sling?

    @authorandystraka I’d dip your toes in with a borrowed or used ring sling first! If you search “babywearing” and your city on Facebook, you may be able to find BST groups or a lending library. Fwiw I do think it’s worth trying - I find the ring sling useable still at 30lb for short stints - but...
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    What should baby be wearing?

    @alexfrankone The adult sock trick is genius!!!
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    A&L onbuhimo defects: seeking for experiences

    @lady6wheels Your original post has not been deleted, it shows in your post history when I check!
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    A couple baby wearing questions…

    @confusedbuthopeful Both of those things sound very normal to me. For probably the first few months, my kiddo immediately spat up when worn. Eventually it stopped. Time to sleep has varied from birth - just like every other time they go to sleep! It really just seems to depend.
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    Baby wearing and Sleep habits

    @colinjesusboy28 If it’s important to you that baby sleep on their own, there’s no magic time to start trying - you can try now, later, somewhere in the middle. But it’s also ok if baby doesn’t want to sleep on their own! You are not breaking them somehow by contact sleeping; many babies...
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    Ergobaby mesh 360

    @aijyou Definitely! I’d try it without just to see but marketplace is always a treasure trove. Depending on your situation you also may just want to wait to use the carrier - we have an ergo original that even with insert felt better to wait on but now we use it almost everyday!
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    Ergobaby mesh 360

    @aijyou I think this would be an instance where it could be smartest to put baby in and see if it is comfortable/safe for you both!
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    Can’t get baby’s legs into an M

    @shyivee How old is baby? When they’re still all scrunched up, newborn wearing can look a little different - their knees don’t necessarily need to be widespread if they are up above their bum. Can you post a fit check? Here is an article with some visuals on what shapes you’re looking for - they...
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    What’s a good forward facing carrier?

    @helpmelord Heads up - our automod is removing many of your posts due to low karma.
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    Hi all! FTM in a few months looking for advice on baby wearing and what to go with- feeling so overwhelmed!

    @zakir500 A newborn carrier with buckles specifically you might want to look at is the Ergo Embrace (but this only works for the first few months). Most carriers with straps and buckles will need you to take some time to learn them so best advice is get the carrier before you have baby and...
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    Do all x strap carriers feel similar to ergo embrace?

    @silvercaster The Embrace is stretchy so moving to an SSC weight stretch may very well address this.
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    What’s a good forward facing carrier?

    @playingforthelord Sarah Mahri has some great videos on Instagram - short and easy to understand.
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    Are we using the carrier as a crutch?

    @sharz You are not forming a terrible habit. Baby sleep is wildly individual and when they are so little it's all about whatever works. I've known a tonne of babies who've all needed different things to fall asleep under 1; you could not tell now at their bedtime who needed to be carried or...
  18. C

    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @emperorsolo Ergo Embrace may be a good solution - it’s stretchy but not a wrap, although it won’t last forever, and is on the sleeker side.
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    New to the ring sling and in need of help

    @swag I’m sorry I can’t help with more of your questions - I know many folks wear their newborns in ring slings but for me it was much easier once he was a bit older and we could hip carry. For videos I love Sarah Mahri on Instagram.