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    Income keeps going up but husband doesn’t want to outsource any chores

    @gembeldolar Is the income combined? Like a joint account? Just hire the cleaners without his approval.
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe You are NOT dumb, don’t think that.
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe It’s to have a nest egg for lawyer retainer, and moving out
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    It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

    @andycharters That’s technically true but she can collect for 2 months have the baby and reopen her claim. I honestly don’t know how long unemployment even considers you “unable to work” - we’ve all heard crazy stories about women going back to work days after giving birth. Unethical suggestion...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe We as women are socialized to please people and not make waves. It’s ok, I struggle with allowing myself to piss people off too, but sometimes it’s what they need
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe If he doesn’t want to clean the cleaning service is his bill. If he won’t do laundry, the laundry sercice is his bill. What is he gonna do if you start paying less and adding these services? Is he going to leave? Are you just scared to piss him off? Because he had no problem pissing...
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    I hate my husband so much

    @mormonmartini This is what I’m wondering, it doesn’t sound like he wants to be a parent
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe Thank you, this adds a lot of context. I would have never thought that the racism is coming from him. And the safe sleep stuff is pretty horrifying, we have a toddler and we’re both super aware of that stuff not too long ago. This is obviously a lot more than chores and childcare...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe So is he white? And you are a person of color? Is one of those guys that doesn’t think racism exists anymore? Safe sleep - this is pretty straightforward for any dad. It’s not hard to fuck up - is he actually fucking it up and being dangerous? Nutrition - what’s the deal here? Is...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe If he wants a wife to do all the housework he needs to pay all the bills