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  1. M

    Question for trilingual families

    @aldredian Yes, I like that approach. I knew babies pick up languages quickly, and to see it unfold in front of my eyes is something else!
  2. M

    Question for trilingual families

    @meshaa So interesting! I am so impressed with babies’ abilities.
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    Question for trilingual families

    Hi all! We have an almost 1-year-old baby and we are doing OPOL. My husband and I have basic knowledge of each other’s language but not enough to be conversational. We speak English to each other. We noticed that when we say words or phrases in the other parent’s language, baby finds it...
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    Another question for trilingual families

    @aldredian Thanks for your input. I like the idea about having my husband exclusively watch him for blocks of time and take over the video calls. We’ve defaulted to hanging out altogether when my husband is home since baby prefers me. I need to work on that dynamic and remember me taking breaks...
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    Another question for trilingual families

    @relle25 Thanks for your input. I’d love to organically absorb my husband’s language, but I’m skeptical that could happen to me. We will see haha.
  6. M

    Another question for trilingual families

    Hi all! It was great to hear from other multilingual families in my other post, and I wanted to share another situation I am facing. I would love to hear how y’all might handle this. We’re doing OPOL with an almost 1year old. My husband and I have very basic knowledge of each other’s language...