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  1. H

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @nicolemarie406 You didn’t fail! You found a solution (formula) and fed your sweet baby. That’s an incredible mom right there.
  2. H

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @tull Yay hungry, sleepy babies with tiny little thunder thighs!
  3. H

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @ronjonb Excuse my ignorance, an IBC-what? And are you supplementing with formula at all? Sounds like you’re doing a great job and I promise even if it is a long road it’s a very rewarding and fun one. My little girl laughed for the first time just the other day and it was seriously better than...
  4. H

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @ronjonb Are you waking her up because doc says so? Mine was underweight at first too so I had to this as well. Once I had to stop waking her to feed she started sleeping amazingly. She’s 4 months old (today!) and sleeps 7-10 hours at night but eats literally 3-5 oz every two hours on the dot...
  5. H

    Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

    @ronjonb I could have written this myself! May I ask how long she’s sleeping at night? Or is she eating every 2 hours 24 hours a day?