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  1. G

    7.5 mo old used to be sleep trained and now isn’t

    @stefanylove Try extending first WW to 3. If she’s having split nights, maybe she needs more awake time. Also depends on how much total nap time she’s getting. What’s her full schedule like ? For night wakes, just stick to one way of responding. Otherwise you’re just confusing her. If you’re...
  2. G

    7.5 mo old used to be sleep trained and now isn’t

    @stefanylove I’d wait the 10 minutes, then go in and feed. If you want to night wean, gradually decrease the amount of time you’re BF or gradually decrease the ounces. It’s a long and tedious process but it does work with consistency. You can also 5/3/3 method of feeding during the night. I...